Fraud and scam

Traveling & Tourism

I booked a hotel room from the web page, using the name your price feature. I requested 2 rooms, for 3 nights. I submitted my price request for a 2 star hotel. Here is what occurred when we checked in the room.

*The room was dirty, with stains all over the bathroom.

*We then found a used condom between the nightstand and the bed.

Upon seeing the appalling condition of the hotel, I left the room to report this to the management. When I walked out of the room to talk to the hotel management, I was approached by a man who aggressively requested money. I refused him and quickly went to the hotel reception. When I reached reception, no one was there. I waited for 20 minutes but no one was available at the front desk. I returned to the room.

When I returned to my room, there was a knock at the door. When I looked out the window, I did not know the person and did not answer. He began shouting at my door, asking if I had jumper-cables. I shouted back that I did not. He persisted and made a strange request and asked if I would go to my car and double check and see if I had cables. Again, I told him no. He then asked “if I find some jumper-cables, will you give me a jump�? I told him NO! I became concerned about the total lack of security and for the safety of my wife, daughter and myself.

We waited for the person to leave my door and then my family and I made a quick exit to our car. As I was driving out of the parking lot, another person (appeared to be another transient) jumped in front of my car trying to get us to stop. I backed up and drove around him and did not look back.

I prepaid $450.28 for a 2 star room. Later, I looked at the hotel that priceline booked for me and saw that it is a 1 star hotel and not the 2 star that had been contracted for. Upon leaving the hotel, I contacted priceline service and was told that there was nothing they could do. As we were desperate for a hotel, I booked a room with the priceline reservation group and paid with my credit card. I have repeatedly contact the priceline service reps, but have been met with evasive and obvious disinterest.

*I paid priceline for a 2 star hotel and was given a 1 star.

Upon reading the other horror stories in this forum about, I feel that dealing with these people is hopeless.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Country: USA
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