Defective phone


At the request of my wife, I switched from a good company that gave me excellent service, to a well known company (T-Mobile), that their only service is on the internet, and never solves the problems. Everyday, and several times a day, the phone has no dial tone. When I call, Technical Support tells me to disconnect the power cord, wait for 30 seconds, then connect it again, and in a few minutes, I get service again. Imagine doing this several times a day, after you try to use the phone and find out not only that you did not have a dial tone for some unknown time, but also the fact that other people could not get in touch with us. If they leave a voice mail, this is delivered several hours later. Imagine also that your computer and internet connection is upstairs, and you are almost 78 years old, and have to do this forced 'exercise' several times a day. They already taught me to solve the problem temporarily, disconnecting and connecting the power cord, but they refuse to send a technician to solve the problem temporarily. I have two alternatives: 1) to embarrass them publicly until they solve the problem; 2) start a civil lawsuit in small claims court to have the judge to force them to release me of the contract, which still has one and a half year to go; 3) Pay them $200 to get released of the contract, which is what they want.

Company: T-Mobile
Country: USA
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Terrible company

Digital phone service VOIP does not work all the time, and they refuse to solve the problem

T Mobile Wireless Internet
4G Wireless Slower Than Dial Up!

Beyond the Rack
Complaint of beyond b67

Internet Service Is The Worst Dial Up I Have Ever Used slow internet, bad customer service

Fraud and scam!

I closed service 6 days after singing. The could not provide me with written copy of the service contract (!).in the final statement they charged me for last day of service 1/03,32.5 times more t Internet

Fradulent cancellation fees

T mobile
Worse than dail up

Misleading Advertisements Germantown