Our Jayco Trailers Unsafe? Do they use high levels of Formaldehyde that can cause, Burning Eyes, Powerful Fumes, respiratory problems and potentially leading to cancer Macomb Michigan


Like Steve, my wife and I purchased our Jayco Jayflight Travel Trailer back in May from a local dealer. Before our first trip, we were concerned about powerful fumes that were emitting from the inside of the unit. It was was so severe my wife, kids and myself were experiencing burning/watering eyes and coughing.

I contacted the dealer... They said that this was common where the glue that is used to bond pressed wood, carpet and other materials needed to cure over time and were not harmful. The dealer informed me that after a few months the fumes would dissipate and to always ventilate properly before using.

Two years later, the fumes are still there (perhaps not as strong), but strong enough to still cause the symptoms I described above.

There have been occusions during our trips that I would suddenly come down with unexpected respiratory infections and couldn't figure out why since its not normally the season to come down with colds and such.

Last June, after a trip I experienced difficulty breathing where I needed an inhaler to relieve my asmthatic symtoms. This was something that I never experienced before as a child, why now?

I never thought too much more of this until recently when another report came out describing the health issues people from the Hurricaine Katrina Disaster where experiencing when living in these FEMA trailers.

They believe that their illnesses are now the result of high levels of Formaldehyde that have been proven to be in these trailers.

I was curious to know who FEMA revieved these trailers from and Jayco was one of them.

Studies showed that the levels of Formaldehyde where 3 times the level of what is recommened to be safe.

I spoke to a Jayco Regional Representative and he did not dispute the fact that Formadehyde is used in their trailers. However from his view, these trailers are safe and that there currently is no action being done by Jayco to regulate the amount of Formaldehyde used or remove it completely. I found this astounding to say the least.

I asked if they would send me a test kit to check for Formaldehyde levels, but he declined and said that Jayco would not participate in any such action. He only would provide ways to "bake the fumes out" or ventilate on an "as needed basis".

So why does the Federal Goverment set standards on Formaldehyde use as it is being slated as a Carcinogen in the housing industy and not in the RV industry?

Knowing this now makes me uneasy about ever using my trailer again and would like some action to at least get my money back.

Can any body help?

Company: Jayco
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Middlebury
Address: P.O. Box 460
Phone: 5748255861
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