Cingular Wireless
Rip-off! Ocala Florida

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Established a one year contract with Cingular Wireless on 20 June in Seattle, WA. Notifed Cingular Wireless in Columbia, SC of address change on 3 July. Sim card FedX to me at my new address. Received lst bill on 19 July and phone service terminated the same day. Bill was mailed to the Seattle address and rerouted by the postal service on 14 July and received by me on 19 July.

Unware that service had been terminated, I phoned the toll free number on the back of the bill (upon receipt) and was informed that the account did not exist. On 21 July I discovered I had no service and phoned cingular and was told I had a zero balance and was given a second toll number to call. The person responding to my call reduced the amount on the bill, but stated she could do nothing about the termination of service because east coast cingjular had terminated the service. I again contacted east coast cingular. I was again informed that I had a zero balance. I explained the situation regarding the relocation and this person did some checking and informed me that they could not do anyhthig until I paid the bill and that I would have to pay a re-connect charge. One rep even stated that she could not talk to me until I paid the bill. (strange)

This is fraud, arm twisting, extortion. Cingular had my new address and failed to use it and now expect me to pay for reconnecting? Just as they expect payment for service rendered, I expect service for my payment. I made them an offer of which they did not respond and that's that.

Are they that greedy, are just incompetent? I think they are simply incompetent. Example: When I went to the local cingular location to do the relocation/change of address, despite the fact the customer service rep provided my phone number, it took the person on the other end of the phone approximately 20 minutes to locate information on my account. At first she could not find any information. After receiving the sim card, I returned to the same cinglar location and once again the rep had a very difficult time getting the cingular rep on the other end of the phone to process the information. One person simply hung up on him in the middle of the process. He then had to phone back and start all over with a new person. One removed the phone number given the previous week and when she went back to retrieve it, it was taken and she had to provide another number. She informed the rep in the store that she had to take the number out of the system to perform a certain transaction regarding my account.

Incompetent workers is the word. One rep I talked to over the phone informed me very rudely that she could not talk to me until I paid the west coast bill. I then asked her for the toll free number. She gave me a number that started with the number four and not eight. I asked if this was a toll free number, she said yes. Now how dumb can you get.

But incompetent workers simply represent the people at the top. Those at the top create the climate. Whether it is a climate of excellence or hostility, your top people set the climate. Irregardless of the internal problems, No service, no payment. I operated in good faith and I expected them to do the same. Again, incompetence is the word that best describe this bunch.

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Columbia
Address: 213 Chalfont Lane
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