Cingular Wireless
Ripoff Multiple Cities

Education & Science

Have you had problems at anytime getting Cingular Wireless to honor your rollover minutes. Did you move only to discover that despite the fact it was not advertised anywhere those minutes did not rollover?

In our experience with Cingular Wireless, we relocated and lost minutes because Cingular Wireless said those were regional minutes. We checked our contract. We looked at their brochures. We checked their web site. Cingular Wireless does not disclose this fact anywhere.

That was not our only problem with Cingular Wireless. Not only did they take away the "regional minutes", the next months rollover minutes were also not properly credited to our account. We called their customer service and were assured those 393 minutes would be added back. We never received those minutes. All we ended up with was with a work order number and a customer service rep's name.

We decided to terminate our service with Cingular Wireless. We waited one month after our contract ended to end our service. So what does Cingular Wireless do? They shut off our service a day early. We try to use our phone, but we had no service. We paid for our service automatically with a credit card so the service was prepaid.

We contacted our credit card company about the problem with Cingular Wireless and received a months credit. Last March 4 months after the termination of the contract, Cingular Wireless bills us for the credited amount with our credit card. We didn't have a business relationship with the company. How can they bill us with a credit card they were no longer authorized to debit?

We have filed complaints with the BBB, Attorney Generals of Texas and Kansas and the FCC. The FCC is absolutely worthless thus far. The Attorney General of Kansas recommended we sue Cingular Wireless and even provided the names of some lawyers. Oh, you know what Cingular Wireless response to the complaints has been? The service was adequate. Well, it is not adequate when you don't get what you paid for.

We are not happy about these events and plan on taking Cingular Wireless to court. We signed our contract in Kansas. That contract allows us to sue Cingular Wireless in a court of law. We don't have to arbritrate or sue Cingular Wireless in a small claims court. The goal of the lawsuit is to let to make everyone in the United States is made aware that Cingular Wireless rollover minute promise isn't worth the paper the contracts are written on. Cingular Wireless breached our contract. We also believe they are guilty of consumer fraud and we're asking for your help to prove this is a pattern of behavior with Cingular Wireless. We've heard others have had this problem too. Who did we heard it from - Cingular Wireless customer service representatives. We want the courts to put a stop to this outrageous behavior.

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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