Wal-Mart Super Center
Mr Wal-Mart Employee Goes "BARNEY FIFE" on me Two bags of ice PIAD FOR

Shops, Products, Services

On July 5th I had the worst experience ever at a Super Wal-Mart location in Rowlett, Texas. It was late around 10:00 P.M. My wife and I had just finished shopping and walked to our van in which both of my parents and two children were waiting. (We recently lost our apartment after being laid-off from my CSR position and are staying with them temporarily) As I finished putting the groceries in the van I realized I forgot my 2-7 lbs. Bags of ice.

I went back in the store to get the ice passing the same door greeter/receipt analyzer. I told her I forgot my ice and laughed, somewhat embarrassed as we all do when we forget something in public. I decided to get a pack of cigarettes as well. I passed the ice box then changed my mind about waiting in line again for cigarettes as I remembered my kids fussing in the van with my mother, father, and wife waiting for me. I turned around and headed 10 ft. Back to the doors/security point stopping to give personnel my receipt and telling her I forgot my ice. As I handed her the receipt I noticed the receipt was slashed at the bottom showing the time and date, but didn't think it would matter hoping the ice price listed was above the tear. (It was.) Then I turned to pick up my 2-7 lb bags of ice out of the machine. The ice box was by the front where the door personnel stand. I opened the ice box door and picked up the bags of ice. The bags had no strings, and I remember handling them in my arms, one on top of another.

I turned to the personnel to retrieve my receipt and she was staring at it dumb-founded as if she couldn't she the ice listed. I pointed out the ice on the receipt, and then she asked why it was ripped in an accusingly way. I honestly thought she was just giving me a hard time jokingly. She had been standing there when I had just walked past her with my wife just 3 min. Or less before. I told her the checker at terminal 22 had just shut her light off and was in a hurry to go home and that's probably how it got ripped. I pointed to terminal 22 and the checker had left, but she didn't even bother to verify this to see if remainder of receipt was in trash or still at register. So she just kept saying she couldn't let me have my ice because of the receipt bottom showing the date was missing. It seemed there wasn't enough action going on at Super Wal-Mart and she was determined to accuse me of stealing two 1.00 bags of ice! I did not want to stay and argue with the girl as I knew I had paid for my ice and had my receipt. I took the receipt back and I told her that I was leaving and she could check my bags at the van to match items from receipt and verify this with my parents and wife. I also told her the kids were screaming and I had to go. She said and she would not let me leave with ice because my receipt had no bottom, then she stood in front of me about 2-3 ft. Away when she saw I was leaving anyway.

I said, "Yes I am! You need to call your manager or security and tell them or something!"; "I didn't steal any freakin' bags of ice!" I paid for them! I then walked around her then she walked up swiftly and put one hand on my right shoulder, the other towards my elbow. As any person would have done feeling threatened by touch, I jerked my arm away continue going forward, almost at the parking lot doors leading outside when a cart attendant damn near slammed a rack of carts into me as I was going through doors. I honestly do not know if he was not paying attention or if he was trying to stop me.

We argued out front again and I even showed the cart attendant my receipt telling him Look, the checker freakin' ripped the bottom in a hurry, you can tell it is a common machine cut. This girl thinks I stole the damn ice. He said he didn't want to be in the middle of it. I then continued my way to the van which was parked fairly close up front. (My mother is Handicap) I told my parents this girl was goin' off accusing me of taking the ice and she had no business trying to stop me by force. They seemed surprised by all of this because I had the receipt. I asked both my wife and father to go back in with me and to verify I did purchase the ice and complain to customer service manager. I pulled up to the front doors where Miss A. (we will use for this post, I don't know legalities of using her name) proceeded to take down my dad's license plate. I went straight to customer service and said without going up to the counter I need someone in management to come take care of this girl that is goin' off on me about some damn ice I paid for already!

A lady from management came down to where we were all standing at this point, and I told her what occurred, she looked at my receipt and I showed her the same thing that I showed the door girl. She didn't even seem surprised it was torn. (I will try and have receipt scanned and posted to show how obvious this was a mechanical rip) The manager apologized to us and said it was ok and told the Miss A. To go on. Miss A. Turned around stuck her head up and walked off like she dealing with someone at school or something.

We left that night thinking it was very silly for all of that drama Miss A. Placed over 2.00 worth of ice. I even stated on the way home how I could sue Wal-Mart if I wanted. Well, two-three days later my wife and I go out front to smoke a cigarette and a detective from the RPD walks up and shows me a badge asking me about what happened at Wall-mart. He said I was being accused of assault. At this point I about died in disbelief that Miss A. Would even try to pull this stunt. I did not assault her whatsoever! If you want to get technical, she assaulted me first by touching me in an aggressive manner without enough evidence that I didn't pay for the ice. Wouldn't she surely would have told someone when we were arguing right there in front of her and her manager. She did this on her own. I called the store on the 8th of July and asked to speak with the store manager. (I will keep the name confidential for now, although I can't stop a phone call) He was not even aware this incident occurred. He told me he would have to research it out and call me back.

No call back that day so I called him back again before his shift ended and he said he would still have to research this incident. Today July 14th, I call Wal-Mart again. The Store Manager comes on the phone and I ask why I had not gotten a call back from him. He said he was going to call me tonight and told me that several parties were involved (ok???) Someone needs to get the video and play it back. He also stated he could nothing about her action to pursue this because it is her right. It is her right, but it's being abused! I stated I had been advised by attorneys to counter sue Wal-Mart after I go through the defense hearing. I don't like the way I was treated by this Wal-Mart employee nor being grabbed by stranger aggressively when I've not committed a crime-especially when it's 2-1.00 bags of ice. This is not the first incident I have had at this location with being stopped by Wal-Mart door checkers. I don't have time or patience to write much more. Just mad enough to write what I have and share it with ya'.

If anyone knows a good lawyer familiar with Wal-Mart cases like these and that has won

Rowlett, Texas

Company: Wal-Mart Super Center
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Rowlett
Address: 7122 Stone Meadow Cir
Phone: 9724120957
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Wal-mart #2722
Wal-mart, Inconveniently detained by a clerk as I tried to exit Wal-mart with a very full cart and receipt in hand

Incompetent employee's. Ripoff

Wal Mart
Super Center Illegal stop upon exit, also against store policy

Wal Mart
Ripoff sold an item then said they never sold them

Customer Service

Ripoff They said that I was shoplifting

Accused me of shoplifting, when I proved I had not they had me arrested for driving while barred! Ripoff

Terrible experience!

Rude Employee/Manager refused to exchange video game

Worst customer service