Pet Corner Lied about there endorsements. Beware, do not send them a check

Shops, Products, Services

Do not send Pet Corner International a check for inventory. This company and the owner Bob lambert along with the operations manager are very evasive people. Ask them for 10 successful dealers with phone numbers and addresses. You will not get get it. They claim they are an international company but they only have 60 dealerships. They have told dealers they were emdorsed by the National Science Foundation. Below is a letter from the U.S. Attorneys office.

The United States Attorney's Office
Southern District of Florida
USAO Home Page

Public Affairs Office: Alicia Valle
Special Counsel to the U.S. Attorney (305) 961-9153
Public Affairs Fax (305) 530-7055

Press Release Pet Corner International Deer Field Florida.
Coconut creek man pleads guilty to misuse of national science foundation seal
january 27
for immediate release

wifredo a.

Company: Petcornerinternational
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield
Address: 796 Miltary trail
Phone: 9544808790
  <     >  


Pet Corner International
This Company misrepresented itself to me and hasn't done the things it said it would do

Pet Corner International
Consumer Report

Pet Corner International
PCI Company mislead me and many others regarding the viability of their opportunity

Pet Corner International Deerfield Florida
Consumer Report

Pet Corner International
Candace Hewitt, Bob Lambert, Edward Elliott aka Ted Godfrey and Ted Fuller deception

Very Evasive not transparent

Pet Corner International, LLC
Purchased the distributorship under the false impresstion that the product was backed by the National Science Foundation

Pet Corner International
Bob Lambert Lied and withheld critical facts in order to close the sale

Pet Corner International
Bob Lambert, Ted, Elloitt, James RUN, KICK and Scream! Avoid the worst scam ever. Google Pet Corner International and you will see how many people have been taken for all they had by several men. Fraud, deceit and lies are theri spec, Florida

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, Or Juvenile Diabetes Founation
Non-Profit Organization Conflict of Interest: For 25 Years, National Director of Advertising at JDRFI Works to Fund HER OWN HUSBAND!