Pet Corner International Deerfield Florida
Consumer Report


I bought 16k worth of product. They said they advertised on Direct TV and Satilite TV. But when we ask the networks they said they have no record of payment. The product does not sell even on consignment. Pet Stores work on 50 to 60% margins. Pet Corner only offers 28 to 30 %. These guys are slick they have all the answers you want to hear. Do not send them a check. I will give all my inventory for free I can not give it away. Ask then for 10 successful dealers with names and addresses and listen to the lame excuse Ted Eliot the operations manager will give you. Email me (Personal Information Removed) I will save you from getting scamed. Ted the operations manager will be in Florida court May 9th for there media kit they advertised they were endorsed by The National Science Foundation. They were not they just used there logo to promote there business. Dont jump into bed with Ted or Bob lambert you will leave with bed bugs and thousands of dollars of Pet Vitamins.By the way I have 15 other dealerships just like me on file that I know of. (Personal Information Removed) for more info.

Company: Pet Corner International Deerfield Florida
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield Beach
ZIP: 33442
Address: 796 S. Military Trail
Phone: 8002707932, 9544808790
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Pet Corner International
Consumer Report

Pet Corner Lied about there endorsements. Beware, do not send them a check

Pet Corner International
Candace Hewitt, Bob Lambert, Edward Elliott aka Ted Godfrey and Ted Fuller deception

Pet Corner International
This Company misrepresented itself to me and hasn't done the things it said it would do

Pet Corner International
PCI Company mislead me and many others regarding the viability of their opportunity

Very Evasive not transparent

Local Lighthouse
Consumer Report

Ong Joo Poh
Consumer Report

Pet Corner International, LLC
Purchased the distributorship under the false impresstion that the product was backed by the National Science Foundation

Eco Bank Camernoon
Consumer Report