Pet Corner International
Consumer Report


Pet Corner International sells dealerships for pet spray on vitamins.
In there media kit they claimed they were endorsed by the National Science Foundation. (NSA) They have just pleaded guilty of fraud in the state of Florida for forging documents. The retail pet stores that I have sold the product to, have called me to pick up the the pet word the NSA is a big deal. I have 16k sitting in storage no one wants. Do not send this company a check. They just want to sell inventory. They by all means are not transparent. They have used the recession to there advantage. Most dealers were sold areas and lost twice as much.

Company: Pet Corner International
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield Beach
ZIP: 33442
Address: 796 S. Military Trail
Phone: 8002707932, 9544808790
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Pet Corner Lied about there endorsements. Beware, do not send them a check

Pet Corner International
This Company misrepresented itself to me and hasn't done the things it said it would do

Pet Corner International Deerfield Florida
Consumer Report

Pet Corner International
PCI Company mislead me and many others regarding the viability of their opportunity

Pet Corner International
Candace Hewitt, Bob Lambert, Edward Elliott aka Ted Godfrey and Ted Fuller deception

Very Evasive not transparent

Pet Corner International, LLC
Purchased the distributorship under the false impresstion that the product was backed by the National Science Foundation

Pet Corner International
Bob Lambert, Ted, Elloitt, James RUN, KICK and Scream! Avoid the worst scam ever. Google Pet Corner International and you will see how many people have been taken for all they had by several men. Fraud, deceit and lies are theri spec, Florida

Tempus Electronic Lifestyles
Sold used product as new. Sold b stock product as new. Sold obsolete product without client knowledge. Sold repaired product as new

International Candle Corporation
Ripoff Defective product not refunded