Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, Or Juvenile Diabetes Founation
Non-Profit Organization Conflict of Interest: For 25 Years, National Director of Advertising at JDRFI Works to Fund HER OWN HUSBAND!


I cannot believe that the situation at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International never, EVER seems to catch up with them! There is an executive at this abysmal non-profit organization who has been working to fund HER OWN HUSBAND for more than 25 years! And nothing is ever done about it.
The executive with the conflict of interest is named Karen Brownlee and she is no less than the "National Director of Advertising and Promotions" for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Let me repeat that. Mrs. Brownlee is the National Director of Advertising and Promotions. Her husband is Dr. Michael A. Brownlee, and he is FUNDED by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation! Now what is wrong with this picture?
I am an employee and I can tell you that everybody there including the Board of Directors knows all about this Brownlee business and they all, every single one, just look the other way, turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to what's going on with the Brownlees and let the situation just continue and continue and continue.
Also in 2008 another member of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's executive staff, Jonathan Stenger, was found guilty of embezzeling $1.2 Million from the organization. His title was the National Director of the Communications and Publications Department. I cannot fathom why one National Director gets arrested for his unethical behavior and the other National Director gets to sit on her rump at the foundation for more than 25 years in a position that is very clearly a conflict of interest. I also wonder very much about the salary that Mrs. Brownlee is taking home. Why is Karen Brownlee getting a free pass?
How much of the money that parents send in to the Diabetes foundation is actually being used for the purposes it's sent in for?
Enquiring minds want to know!
The IRS should be invovled over there and so should law enforcement.

Company: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, Or Juvenile Diabetes Founation
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 26 Broadway, 14th Floor
Site: jdrf.org
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Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, Or Juvenile Diabetes Founation
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, A/k/a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Desperately Needs an IRS Investigation and Audit

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