Pet Corner International
Bob Lambert Lied and withheld critical facts in order to close the sale

Shops, Products, Services

I contacted Bob Lambert at Pet Corner International in June to express interest in purchasing a master distributorship in Lake County, IL. He said they could not set me up with a distributorship in Lake County because it does not fit their "recommended demographic profile".instead, he suggested that I purchase another territory and I would still be free to pursue business development opportunities in areas such as Lake County where there is no PCI distributorship.

While attending a pet related event at a local park here in Lake County the end of October, I was approached by a vendor who identified herself as the local distributor of PCI products. I had to leave the event embarassed and angry that Bob Lambert had lied to me. This woman had her distributorship set up two months prior to my initial conversation with Bob Lambert, so it seems suspicious to me that he didn't bother to mention that. When I expressed my displeasure with his deceptive practices through an e-mail, he called me exhibiting an angry tone, told me he didn't appreciate being called a liar and then hung up on me before I had a chance to even respond. The only reason I purchased a distributorship was because I was led to believe there wasn't an extablished presence in Lake County. Had I known about the distributorship he had just set up in April I would not have purchased a distributorship from PCI.

I have requested my money back for all costs associated with setting up a distributorship. Not only did Mr. Lambert lie about me being able to pursue business opportunties in Lake County, he was to have an account specialist set up 16 accounts in Kane County by mid-October. That agent of PCI only set up 9 accounts and NONE of them were even in Kane County. They are scattered throughout Northwest Cook County and into McHenry County. PCI has offered me an alternative territory which is further from my residence and the demographics are very undesirable. I explained to them that since I cannot even do business in my local area I am no longer interested in this business opportunity. Up to this point, they have been reluctant to give me my money back. Therefore, I have secured legal counsel.

It's important to note that my attorney is taking steps to address this matter with the Secretary of State and Attorney General's office. He states that the fact PCI never gave me a Disclosure Document and secured my signed acknowledgement of receipt, this agreement is null and void.

Company: Pet Corner International
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield Beach
Address: 796 S. Military Trail
Phone: 8002707932
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