Bank of America
Will not comply with modification laws

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I have been trying to modify my mortgage for the past 3 years. My mortgage company is Bank of America.
I purchased my home in April.
My home is currently worth less than 1/3 of what I paid.
My credit is poor because of the struggle to pay my mortgage.
I have been given misinformation for the past 3 years by Bank of America, concerning home modification.
During the past year my family has been through difficult times.
My youngest daughter underwent major back surgery. During her recovery I had an unpaid leave from work. We struggled to pay our mortgage. My husband had to sell his boat that he received after his fathers death. I was then fired, by my sister, whom I worked for. The reason I was fired was because of her negligence. At her place of business Wonder Years Learning Center, Holden, Ma. She had not removed hanging branches, and some branches fell totaling my car.
I tried to find a job, which is difficult in this economy. I have finally have acquired a job.
Our family is eligible for many programs, because of our low income level.
This whole story has been related to Bank of America many times. They tell us we need have someone die in our family, also we have to be going through a divorce or be 3 months late paying our mortgage. These are just a few of the excuses we have received for not receiving modification.

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
Phone: 18006696607
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