Overnite Trucking Company
Ripoff lazy, lying, destructive to property, inept, charged for NO SERVICE rendered

Shops, Products, Services

On April 13th Overnite was to deliver a 255 pound package from Texas to me in Columbus Ohio. I was taking delivery of this item for my elderly parents for their business. The delivery driver arrives in a semi. We were told he would come in a UPS sized truck WITH a lift gate.

Our paperwork also stated that it was to be delivered to our garage. He shows up LATE in a semi with NO LIFT GATE. It gets better - he also shows up ALONE, HE HAS NO DOLLY OR HAND CART, HE HAS NO PALLET MOVER either!!! He expects to push off the back of this semi a 255 pound package into my and my mothers arms. Mind you I am 5'6" and I am eye level with the floor of the semi-trailor.

I told him forget it, you didn't bring any help or the proper tools, bring it back tomorrow. He told us "No problem, I can come back tomorrow with a lift gate."

He shows up on the afternoon of the 14th with a smaller truck and it has a lift gate. I first greet him and ask him if he can back in his truck to my driveway - he has plenty of room and in fact in preparation for his arrival, we paid professionals to come to our house and remove a tree from the corner of our driveway so that any truck could make the angle. He said "No!"

He then proceeded to get in the back of the truck where I see that my package has already had its crating and straps removed and has been wrapped (ONLY THE SIDES AND TOP) in cardboard which was cheesily taped on. He puts the pallet on the lift gate, lowers the item to the alley pavement pushes it off - AND THAT WAS IT!!! He left a $1500.00 item right in the middle of a busy alley that people fly up at 45 mph everyday!

I asked him "Aren't you going to take it up to the garage with the pallet mover?" He said he wasn't "authorized to do so." I showed him the bill of lading that CLEARLY STATED THAT IT WAS TO BE DELIVERED FROM COMMERCIAL TO RESIDENTIAL BEING DROPPED OFF AT THE GARAGE. My garage was still 45-50 feet away!

So I immediately got on the phone with his company as the driver pulled away and the Manager for Overnite - Mike Carc (Carr, Cark) or something anyway some MAJORLY inept high school educated drop-out flunkie gets on the phone and informs me that my bill of lading is incorrect (which by the way is a carbon copy of his copy) and that he was to drop it off only at my house. I have a problem with this statement of Mike's as leaving an item worth $1500.00 in a busy alley in not the best neighborhood is HARDLY DELIVERING IT TO MY HOUSE!

So I called my mother who is in no condition to be putting up with this nonsense over to 'gaurd' the package while I argue with this cromagnon man Mike who apparently has the mindpower to dimly light a firefly's ass. He refuses to give back any of the money even though OVERNITE has not honored their delivery agreement and have treated us horribly. He says he'll track down the driver Dave Kerry, who by the way reaked of alcohol when he was down on the pavement by me, if he wasn't a drunk then he must have diabetes with bad breath, and make him go back to move it into my garage.

While my mother and I wait on this no talent ass clown to come back and finish his job after his boss and to call him and tell him to do his job, I get some big guys that witnessed this whole thing at Eddie's Glass Shop, slide it out of the street for me. Eddie's Glass guys pushed the pallet past my brick wall. While we waited and waited I got back on the phone to complain to Mike again as this driver may not show up until nightfall and I wanted to know if I could get a timeframe - I get hung up on. I wait another 45 minutes and lo and behold here comes Dave the driver again. Only Eddie's Glass guys have parked two vans in the alley just before my driveway to unload their work vans. Well the OVERNITE driver cannot see the package sitting on the pallet behind my brick wall, he doesn't EVEN GET OUT TO LOOK OR TO KNOCK ON MY DOOR, he just sees he can't go through the alley so he starts backing up! I run out the door and he has it turned around and guns it up my street! Now mind you he's driving about a 30 foot package/box truck, no one drives like that especially with all the kids that are around on bikes and skateboards. He then puts on his flashers and sits there at the end of my block and watches me in his mirrors.

So I start walking up my street while waiting on hold again on my phone with OVERNITE trying to talk to Mike about a refund - and get this - THE BASTARD TAKES OFF! So I stand gaurd on the package until my Sherrif Deputy neighbor comes home who is a big dude and he calls his courthouse buddy three blocks away who has a dolly and they come over and put it in my garage for me.

So beware anyone who does business on eBay or regularly uses OVERNITE trucking. Their name says it all OVERNITE is how long you'll be there gaurding your stuff so that it doesn't get stolen or run over by traffic. They don't care, they hire drunks apparently and thugs that take no pride in their job or themselves. They are a vindictive company that is only interested in taking your money.

My parents paid over $300 for this service and anyone knows I could have done it better for that much money. I think that everyone should take note that I've used Old Dominion Freight Lines before and I should have used them again this time.

NEVER USE OVERNITE BECAUSE THEY are a bunch of pud pullers with no integrity whatsoever and literally rob you. Oh yes, how could I forget, there is a huge dent in the side of the metal cabinet of this item, I guess they don't care that I needed to make a claim as I still have yet to hear from them. They don't respond to voicemails or my emails.

DON'T USE THEM YOU WILL REGRET IT, if you even had a complaint the management is as crooked as their small brained drivers, Mike doesn't feel he owes us any refund whatsoever. If I took a pizza order from you and delivered it to the corner drugstore near your house would you think you should have to pay for it? It is an incomplete transaction, I received no service, was treated rudely, and worse yet no one there cares that they took our money, dented our product, delayed our shipment with a promise from the same driver that he would come back the next day with equipment that would enable him to complete the job, only to have it sit in the street.

Columbus, Ohio

Company: Overnite Trucking Company
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
Address: 1000 Semmes Avenue
Phone: 8003337400
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