Colorado Corporate Controllers unit
I also have received this bogus letter. I had even filled it out until I saw the amount an knew then it was a scam. It sure looked official. How did this company get my information?

Shops, Products, Services

Bogus Company sent same important looking letter. What gave it away was no real address, just a P.O. Box out of Denver. I had actually filled out the report until I read the small print. Most likely this is run out of Florida. If you want to be a crook and have the state do nothing about it move to Florida.

Company: Colorado Corporate Controllers unit
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: P.O. Box 4651
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Corporate Controllers Unit
This company sends and official looking document in an official looking envelope stating regurgitating the Colorado law for filing of an annual report for business owners

Corporate Controllers Unit
Read entire letter before you waste your $

Colorado Corporate Controllers unit
Periodic Report Directors / Shareholders Corporate Controllers unit

Corporate Controllers Unit
SCAM requests payment of $225 for Periodic Report filing

Corporate Controllers Unit
Good question Deceptive Advertising

Corporate Controllers Unit
Periodic Report annual fee scam to collect $225, sent official looking form to scare business owner into paying bogus fee

Corporate Controllers Unit
Scam! Fraud by Deception or possibly Corporate Identy Theft

Corporate Controllers Unit
Periodic Report - Directors/Shareholders

Colorado Corporate Control Unit
Attempted SCAM

Corporate Controllers Unit
Attempted Scam, Possible Corporate ID Theft