Corporate Controllers Unit
Scam! Fraud by Deception or possibly Corporate Identy Theft

Shops, Products, Services

On April 2 our Tax-Exempt Corporation received the same "official-looking" correspondence from the Corporate Controllers Unit 600 17th Street Ste 2800 South Denver CO 80202 previously reported on this site.

As stated in previous reports, it is a very clever letter and requires close reading or online research to discover it is not from an agency of the State of Colorado.

Company: Corporate Controllers Unit
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 600 17th Street, Ste 2800 South
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Colorado Corporate Control Unit
Attempted SCAM

Corporate Controllers Unit
Periodic Report annual fee scam to collect $225, sent official looking form to scare business owner into paying bogus fee

Colorado Corporate Controllers unit
Periodic Report Directors / Shareholders Corporate Controllers unit

Corporate Controllers Unit
This company sends and official looking document in an official looking envelope stating regurgitating the Colorado law for filing of an annual report for business owners

Corporate Controllers Unit
Very misleading, official looking, document

Corporate Controllers Unit
Good question Deceptive Advertising

Corporate Controllers Unit
SCAM requests payment of $225 for Periodic Report filing

Corporate Controllers Unit LLC
Scam using official looking Colorado State Government Seal

Corporate Controllers Unit
I received a notice from Corporate Controllers Unit in April to file a report for my LLC along with a fee of $225.included was a Colorado Corporate Control number starting 2009 and 7 additional

Corporate Controllers Unit
Intentionally Deceptive, Overpriced Service, Unneeded Service