Time/Life Music
Time/Life Sent CD's I Did Not Order and Charged Me - Now They Won't Refund

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I ordered one set of music CD's from a Time/Life commercial on television in July. I called the toll free number - everything was automated, gave them my information and thought everything was fine. I received 2 packages one day before I was to drive 1500 miles back to Indiana from New Mexico. I didn't have time to call Time/Life to tell them of their duplicate order. I tookone set ofCD's which made for some "easy listening" on the 3,000 mile round trip.

After making arrangements of selling my mothers house, packing her and moving her to New Mexico (took 6 weeks), I called Time/Life when I returned to New Mexico, and told them that I had a duplicate order and they told me they would send me a return label so I could send the package back. On Sept. 14, they sent me a card to notify me that they had received my package, but it was beyond their 30 day Money Back Guarantee. I told them that I didn't order 2 sets, only one, and why should I be penalized for their duplicateerror, plus there was nothing in my order that said anything about the 30-day return policy. I spoke to A. Davis, Customer Care Manager and she said that she would check the order and "get back with me".

After waiting a month, checking my Visa cardfor a refund, (which didn't occur), I called Time/Life back. The lady said that they were still investigating. I checked my next charge statement, still no refund, so I called back again, this time I spoke to Crystal#78378. She told me that she could do nothing about it, but she could send my duplicate set of CD's back, or give me 20% off of my next order. I then knew I wasn't going to get anywhere with them.

I called Visa, and they said after 90 days, they can do nothing about the problem, and that I would have to deal directlywith Time/Life. I don't know what to do. The charge is over $100.



Corrales, New Mexico

Company: Time/Life Music
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: P.O. Box 4002011
Phone: 8008463543
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