Grocery Store Prices at register don't match advertised prices

Shops, Products, Services

Almost every time I shop at Kroger, something that was on sale does not come up at the register for the advertised price. I have to go to the customer service counter, wait in line, show them my receipt, wait for them to go check the item, then wait for them to count out my refund.

There are so many people who buy these products because they see the sale sign, must be hundreds in a day. If the sale price isn't noted on the cash register's computer, how many dozens or hundreds of times does the store get away with an extra fifty cents, an extra dollar? I don't shop until 6 P.M., after work. Imagine how many people that day have been lied to, ripped off, by the time I tell the manager. And does he change the computer? No, that's done at the headquarters, so the next several customers who make that purchase will also be deceived. I believe deceptive advertising practices are illegal in this country.

The Giant Food Store in McLean has solved that problem. If you don't get the item for the right price, and if you stand in line at the customer service counter to complain, you will get all of your money back on that item; the item will be free. I think this kind of response ought to be state law. It would certainly get deadbeats like Kroger to double-check their sloppy records.

Company: Kroger
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Harrisonburg
Address: 1790 E. Market St
Phone: 5404321830
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