Vonnage Telephone Service
This is a great service until you find another phone service and want to disconnect

Shops, Products, Services

This is a great service until you want to disconnect, then all of a sudden they come up with a bunch of ridiculous fees they want to charge you. My advice would be to anyone considering this service to save some money is to look elsewhere. You may save a few bucks initially but if you decide to go elsewhere they will stick it to you good! Thieves!!!

Company: Vonnage Telephone Service
Country: USA
Site: www.vonnage.com
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Sudden Link
Disconnection issue. - Service / Installation

Midland Credit Management
How do you get rid of these people!

Vonnage Telephone Service
The worst company I have ever dealt with. Continued to charge acct. After cancellation

CenturyTel Video Service
Telephone and Cable Services

ComCast Cable
This company's billing practices are totally outrageous

Direct Tv
Tired of being ripped off by direct tv

Government Grants Association
Ripoff Fraud tried to get my bank info social security number and mother's maiden name

Uverse tv horrible service

Direct TV
They say that they do not have a contract and still charge you $450.00 in disconnect fees

Alltel Ripoff liars scams untrustworthy overbills lies in contract uses your credit report against you to collect on fraudulent charges need I go on?