AT&T Wireless
AT&T excluding cell phone users from network

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After duly arranging with AT&T to add an iPhone to our existing AT&T plan, changing the service to Cortez, Colorado from Anchorage, Alaska and after several months of flawless service, received a message that our phones (even at home) were now "Off Network" and AT&T was doing us the courtesy of noting in the crawl logo that we were off network. The implication was that we were using too many off-network data and they were just doing us a favor and that if we had read our contract we agreed not to use more than 6 mb/month of data off-network. Never you mind that now every call, every piece of data is now "Off Network." Never mind that AT&T has purchased Alltel in the Durango, Colorado and Shiprock, NM areas and within a year will have AT&T equipment on regional towers. Never was this explained when we converted our Anchorage AT&T to AT&T through Dillon, Colorado. I resent the implication that we are just using too much non-AT&T data. AT&T suggested I find another carrier, but due to the monopoly of AT&T and Apple iPhone, this makes my iPhone inoperable except as an expensive iPod.

Company: AT&T Wireless
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Cortez
Site: at&
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