Sprint Pcs
SPRINT PCS Rebates? Of course not. Cheap Service? Nope. Claire? Screw "claire"! Insurance? What insurance! Understanding? YEAH RIGHT! Off network option

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Anyone Out there with sprint knows that they are probably the worst cellular phone carrier out there, with their promise of great service on a "low monthly rate" unsuspecting victims enter into contracts with sprint unaware of the hell they are about to endure.

I bought the Sanyo 5300 camera phone a few months back with a new service agreement from a third party retailer, where my husband works, a few days later I noticed a problem with my 400 dollar phone just purchased (the microphone to talk didnt work) and so out of respect for my husband not loosing commision on the phone purchased i brought it to the Sprint srore near to me, after waiting in line for 3 hours and then longer to pick up my phone, they told me that there was nothing wrong with my phone after diagnostic tests, well i purposely made them call my phone to another employee to prove my point, and that worked, so they replaced it. Of course not reminding me i would loose all my information, and shorting me a charger and battery, i left at least content that i had a working phone, bad news a new battery costs about 45 dollars when i went to buy one.

A few weeks later my husband took the phone to work with him where an employee stole the phone, we made the necessary police report and called lockiline after reporting the phone "Stolen"

MORE BAD NEWS! They claimned we had no insurance on the phone, when i had had 2 sprint bills with insurance writen plain as day on the bill, what did i pay for? I believe it was the pleasure of telling off several sprint and lockine employees..

Heres a big problem - SPRINT NEVER SHUT OFF THE STOLEN PHONE!!! The employee who stole it ran up a 300 dollar bill and we had to pay it, or pay the early termination fee. At the time i had no real problem with my sevice except a few minor glitches on my off network option that they didnt add either, I had to pay for their mistake then too,

ANYWAY - Three times a day i had called sprint and lockline, and every time i called someone managed to say i had no insurance and that i couldnt get a new phone, every time i spoke to a supervisor, and every time he acknowledged that it was sprints problem, that i should call Lock line and report it, so i would call lock line, with no luck and calling back in forth to both wasnt exactly my idea of fun, both of them would say it was the others problem, that it would be fixed.

Finally about a month later it worked out and they told me to send the fee western union, so i did and it took them 3 weeks to recieve the western union! Im no dummy! It doesnt take that long, but they eventually got it, and i got my phone back LAST WEEK!

Heres another thing, The day after i got it, it was SHUT OFF!!! Turns out they finally shut off my phone because it was STOLEN!!! I not so calmly explained to them that THIS WAS NOT THE STOLEN PHONE!!! I dont think you have to be very smart to be a coustomer service rep with Sprint. My advice to you. Save your self the pain heartache and time, and go somehwere else.

My husband also works with ATT wireless, just a quick note, avoid them too

Company: Sprint Pcs
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Milwaukee
Site: sprintpcs.com
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