Bad service

Shops, Products, Services

Hi, its been i while. My last article for the corporation was good. Next good article, anything visited hell. The asus mobo they offered had the voltage jumpers changed from vehicle identify to 2.0v. Their technology can be a complete moron. Ultimately my mobo and athlon burned up. Delivered the mobo back to gctech, it got over per month to obtain my material back, they delivered my a crappier motherboard, and got another month to return the distinction. Furthermore my cdrom burned up, got a brand new one, burned up again last month, oh well. All I've to express is watch out for the organization. And yes, gilbert continues to be a fool.

Company: GCtech
Country: USA
Site: gcshop.com
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Circuit City CityAdvantage
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SMKsupperstore - PCBoost
Fale Advertizing, The Bait and Switch Tactic!

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Ripoff Extortion through RMA's by selling defective products, Motherboard Nightmare All this garbage over a mobo that Bzboyz states is only worth $43.00 refundable

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Ect rip off artist! Not only the consumer gets burned the breeders do too