Unscrupulous policies

Electronics and household app.

On 08/22/00 I put an order in for six hardware products from
It totaled almost $1000 dollars. Two days later the charge was on Credit Card statement. A full week later the package came. The CPU and Motherboard were not in a protective anti-static bags. The CPU had been marked in all for corners with a magic marker #38 and the date 08/22. The day I ordered it. Needless to say they were DOA on arrival. I called the RMA dept and requested RMA # for a full refund since the CPU and Mobo was clearly mishandled by them. A customer service rep. Manager named Tony told me in effect my business wasn't important to them! Now wants to charge me a restocking fee of 15% on the CPU and won't issue me a refund till I sign a form stating I agree with their policies for which I don't.
I called my credit card company and they told me not to sign the form and they would stop payment till this issue was resolved.
ATACOM has impossed on me with defective DOA CPU and Mobo.
I hope they will see this is bad business. has caused me alot of stress and worry and I am very unsatisfied. All I wanted originally was the CPU and Mobo to be replaced with new.
You would think as much money as I spent with them they would honor my request?
Now I wish to send back all of the hardware
on the original order. I have lost confidence
due to the way I was treated and their unscrupulous policies.

Country: USA
State: California
City: Freemont
Address: 43177 Osgood Road
Phone: 5102269596
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Bad service

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