Bytewize Computers
Bad service

Computers & Services

Store seems unable to deliever what they sell in a prompt manner.

Given several different shipping dates and when each passed then i am given a new one saying again that is has already shipped. Store hours seem unrelable as when ever i have called there during working hours no answer and/or the store hours are changed from the website or closed without proir notice.

My order was incomplete, and one item was missing parts as well (A DFI Motherboard) and looks used or perhaps was a restock, and OCZ Ram which was not in the box at all.

I paid for a new MoBo.: (

Support is lacking for these problems, they told me to deal with DFI on the MoBo, (which I telephoned, they (DFI) says it is a vendor issue, not RMA able. So I am out my purchase money.: (Not a very good experience, out almost 700 bucks and nothing to show for it.

Have been told we will call you/email you by tech support (when you can get them) without any follow on these problems.

Reference MoBO I got the message I am stuck with it as is now, nothing I can do about it. And The ram seems to be a "tell him we will call him back after we talk to OCZ about it." with no response

These are special order parts so RMA to vendor seems unlikely (based on my live chat today).

The delays an lost money make it so I cannot build/finish my PC.

Not happy at all

Update July still in a chat room trying to get my missing parts, i get a song an dance everytime i try. Still unfilled order. Am so stuck.

Never buy from these guys! (unless you really dont want you parts then go ahead!)

Company: Bytewize Computers
Country: USA
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