SMKsupperstore - PCBoost
Fale Advertizing, The Bait and Switch Tactic!

Internet & Web

8/10/07 I seen an As for an ECS P4m800-pro-M w / an Intel D940 for $152. I sent in my order but got no responce so called them on 8/15, They said the order went through and would ship that night. Why because I called? It arived 7 days later with the wrong mobo and cpu. I called them again and said the mobo and fan was ok but wanted a D cpu. D930 or D920. I returned the e4300 and heard nothing. $8.50 return shipping. I called them again only to find out they lied about having D930 or D920 instock. I requested a refund and returned the mobo & fan too. They did credit me $102 for the cpu but nothing yet on the mobo. It's been 11 days now since they recieved it. As of today 9/17/07 they are still advertising a combo with a D920 cpu that they don't have.

If you order it odds are you will recieve an e4300 claiming it is faster, cooler running, and more expansive than the D series so they are doing you a favor when in fact they are just cleaning out their warehouse. This was my first and last order from SMK. My $152.00 order turned out to cost $172.50 with return shipping that they never refund. Plus they are the slowest people with an I don't care attitude. Liars to say the least! I have order from several venders such as: newegg, ewiz, eaglebit. & cheifvalue with now problems. I am not a young kid trying to badmouth a company, rather a 48 year old man that believes you have the right to know. Good Luck on your purchuses!

Company: SMKsupperstore - PCBoost
Country: USA
State: California
City: Lake Forest
Address: 26429 Rancho Parkway S. Suite 110
Phone: 8004900626
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Ripoff Extortion through RMA's by selling defective products, Motherboard Nightmare All this garbage over a mobo that Bzboyz states is only worth $43.00 refundable (aka) (aka) microx
Robbery/theft by deception ripoff liars victimized us

Bytewize Computers
Bad service

Circuit City CityAdvantage
Circuit City City Advantage Ripoff misled service takes foreve
Unscrupulous policies

Bad service

Tiger Direct
Horrible Products & Return Policy

Refuses to refund entire Purchase, Shipping and Handling Price and Restocking Fee

Forever Comfy
Consumer Report

Beware when Ordering!