Metropolitan Communications - Met Tel Phone Company
Metropolitan Communications - MetTel Phone Company, WAY Overcharged for a simple inside home wire repair! New York New York

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My wife and I had an issue where we lost our phone service throughout our house, so we called our phone company MetTel and they sent a verizon guy to check the connection outside our house. He said it was working outside the house and than he abruptly left without saying anything else. The same man returned in about 20 minutes and told us we were already under contract for inside the house repairs. So my wife let him in and he checked the wires in the basment and found a bad connection.

It took him about 20 minutes or less to troubleshoot and do the work and he didnt even use any new parts. He left us saying nothing about being billed (because according to him, we were under some type of contract with MetTel that covered the cost.

A few days later, we got a bill for a whopping 250.00!!! I was like. WHAT? I called MetTel and they said the repairman NEVER told us we were covered for the repairs and the 250.00 dollar bill was a standard fee for in home repairs. I said to them... For 20 MINUTES OF WORK? They said pay or else, so I told them Im switching to vonage and they could go pound sand. I would tell anyone who has MetTel Phone service to get away from them QUICK before you need a wiring repair or worse and they make you pay through the nose also.

Company: Metropolitan Communications - Met Tel Phone Company
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Mount Holly
Address: PO Box 1056 New York, New York 10268
Phone: 8776388351
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