Best Buy
Geek squad Service Orde

Shops, Products, Services

(1) service order my computer was freezes up at startup got it back in 3 week's the had to put a new motherboad in my pc
(2) service order my computer had to be work on the dvd drive stop working and the hdd is giving imminent failore message and was sent out in 3 week.
Got a call from best buy to come in pick up my pc. Call them told them I be there in 2 day. So I was there that friday to pick up my pc and the told me my pc was still not work. Have to be sent out for a (3) was sent back to Kentucky to be work on.

Now it going on 2 mouth now in still do not have my pc. It still in kentucky and besy buy have a No Lemon policy. It was to be sent out 3 time befor the give you a new pc and I do have a 3 year service plan.
It ben the from the 9 mouth and now may not get it back intill the 12 mouth and it just siting the in kenucky no one has work on my pc and befor it was sent out the (3) time it was work on by the geek squad in the store.

I do have all the serice order number and I think the geek squad is giveing me the run around and I am still paying on this computer for 18 mouth same as cash

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Champaign
Address: 2117 Prospect Ave
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