Best Buy
Bad service

Shops, Products, Services

I had a service visit scheduled between 8 and 12. When the repairman arrived at 3:30, he marched into my house with no introduction other than, 'how's it going?' I said, 'I would appreciate the courtesy of a phone call if you are going to be this late.' His response was, 'F@#$ you!' He shoved me against the wall and marched out of my house, saying 'if you come after me, I'll put you on your ass!"

I got on the phone and worked my way through four operators before I could relay the story. The response?"Well that is not appropriate behavior for one of our technichians. When would you like to reschedule the appointment?" I have continued to call and email and 5 days later, still have no apology, explanation, or even a response (much less the repair I needed).

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
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A & E Factory Service / Haier Washer-Dryer Combo

A & E Factory Service
Service disaste

A&E Factory Service Repair
For GE Service Warranty Failure to show, notify and service warrantied appliance Los Lunas/Greater Albuquerque Area

A&E Factory Service
Customer Service

Sears home repair service
Sears Elite Refrigerator Warranty Repair - Kenmore Elite Refridgerato

Sears home repair service
Late, late and latest appointment - Extended Protection Plan

Awful customer service - Kenmore 800 Washe

Unacceptable Services - TREADMILL

Sears home services
Never again

Problem scheduling repair even though I have a contract with them