Lying, Contract Extensions, and "Out of Warranty" Fee After Stating Would Be Covered!

Shops, Products, Services

October I decided to go with T-Mobile. I called them up and found out if I did it online that I could get a 1yr contract instead of the 2yr normally you have to sign up for in the store. The lady I spoke
with was extremely nice, answered my every question and got me all set up. I ended up getting the T-Mobile wing (most expensive phone they had at the time). I got the MyFaves 600 ($49.99) plan with Unlimited Texting ($14.99), Total Internet Addon ($19.99) and the Insurance
($5.99). Two days later I got my phone, called to activate it, and about 10 minutes later everything was set up, enabled, and even had my number transfered in record time!

I promptly filled out the rebate forms. Since it was a phone order I was missing an order number. I called customer service and they assured me that since it was a phone order that it would not be a problem and
they would 'note my account'. I verified all the information needed for the forms with the representative and sent the forms off the next day.

The problem started a few weeks later...

I realized I was going to need more minutes on my phone so I called and SPECIFICALLY asked if I could upgrade the minutes on my phone (to the MyFaves 1000 for $59.99) with no problems. I wanted to ENSURE that I
wasn't going to incur any additional fees, or have my account 'renewed', 'extended', or any of that other crap. I was assured that since I was upgrading it wouldn't be a problem (I figured if you downgrade they hit you with fees pretty hard to discourage downgrading).

I downloaded Google Maps on the phone (the *ONLY* thing I ever installed on the phone). After about a week of use I noticed the phone was locking up. It would show the home screen, and you could hit the Power
button to turn the light on and off, but it would never receive any phone calls, or text messages. It wasn't until I would try to make a call, or send a text message that I would realize it was locked up. I would have to pull the battery out of the phone to get it to turn off to reset it. I thought it was me trying to run too many things on the phone, or having too many text messages in my Sent or Inbox, so I tried to keep a better eye on it.

A few weeks later I received a note that my rebate had been denied since I didn't supply all of the information requested. I once again called up customer service to find out what was going on since I was 'assured'
that this wouldn't be an issue and that my account was 'noted'. They were pleasant enough, apologized, and credited the rebate amount to my account. I then mentioned my issues with the phone and she said she'd
put me in touch with the tech guys who handle the smartphones. I was on the line with them for about 2 hours. They had me clear out my text messages and checked to ensure I didn't have too many things
installed. I told them the ONLY thing I had installed was Google Maps.
In the end they had me do a hard reset of my phone, without telling me all my data would be lost. They assumed that I had my phone backed up on my computer. I use Thunderbird, so I can't backup my Contacts
though. When it was all said and done my phone was completely reset and I was told not to install anything on it since it would cause it to lock up.

The next week my phone locked up several more times. I made sure I had no more than 10-20 text messages in my Inbox and Sent, and I did not install any programs on it. I also had all kinds of problems connecting
to the internet (just checking gMail). Actually, it wasn't the internet, but T-Mobile's network that wouldn't connect. It would try for several minutes and wouldn't connect. Sometimes I could turn the
phone off and on and it would connect, but usually it still wouldn't work. I was lucky if I got connected 1 in 5 times when I wanted to.
After another week or so, and several important missed calls and messages, only made worse by the fact that I have no land line so the only way to get ahold of me is via cell phone, I once again called support.
After going round and round with the tech and doing yet another hard reset, I insisted that a hard reset wasn't a 'fix'. The tech finally leveled with me and said the problem was with Windows Mobile, not their
phone. He said that doing a hard reset always fixes the problem. I was pretty upset, I bought this phone to use it as a smartphone, and now I'm being told that I can't install anything on it, and that I'm going to
have to do a hard reset at least once a week to 'fix' my problem. I flat out asked why they were selling the phones when they (T-Mobile) know that they don't work. He once again said that the "phone" isn't the problem, the problem was Windows Mobile. At that point I was
livid. I said I wanted to swap out my Wing for one of the Blackberry that was at the time $100 less than my Wing. I said I didn't want any kind of rebate or refund, just a straight up swap. He said he'd
transfer me to customer service to speak to them about that.
So, I'm blind transfered to CS and I have to explain everything to the CS rep, who of course knows nothing about the technical workings of the Wing. I go round and round for 15-20minutes and they finally tell me
that my only option is to pay full price for a new phone since I'm not eligible for an upgrade discount, and suggested I have my handset replaced (with another Wing). At which point I hang up the phone before
I throw it across the room.

Fast forward about 6 months...

I'm sick of the lock ups and my friend tells me she pays less than $50/month for local calls and unlimited text messages (vs the $100 or so I pay for virtually the same thing). I ask how much it would cost to cancel my account since I only had about three months left. She then corrects me, informing me I have about four and a half months left. I told her my date of signup and asked how that was four and a half months left. She then tells me the date that I changed my plan, and how my
year was extended from that date, and since it was in the middle of a billing cycle it was effective the next cycle. So basically they added almost two months my account even after I SPECIFICALLY asked to ensure
this VERY THING wouldn't happen! At this point I'm doing the simple math... I could downgrade to the lowest NON MyFaves plan without extending my plan (the MyFaves is the key to the extension) and pay it for the next 4 months (approx $30 * 4 months = $120 or $175 flat). I
could then pay $50 for the new service through Revol and the COMBINED total is less than what I'm paying now!

The lock ups are more and more frequent, and I receive notice that T-Mobile is changing their insurance offerings and the new offerings are terrible. I figure now is a good time to get the phone replaced. I
called up tech support, go round and round explaining my issue, and they run me through the same things as before and have me do a hard reset. I insisted that I wanted my handset replaced as I have been offered a
replacement before. I was then transfered to someone else (not entirely sure who with), who had me pop out the battery and check some sensors for color (to ensure there was no water damage). They set up the
replacement for me in about 20 minutes.

A few days later I receive the new handset. The "handset" was just the device (no battery or backplate). I wasn't expecting any of the other
accessories, but I at least expected the backplate, and hoped for a new battery since mine has a very short life compared to less than a year ago.
I followed the instructions in the box on setting up the new handset and checked the Windows Mobile version (since T-Mobile keeps blaming everything on Windows Mobile), and I knew Windows Mobile 6 was out and
fixed many of the previous issues. It was an updated version, but only slightly CS OS 5.2.1622 vs something like 5.2.1486.

I set up my contacts and I called up T-Mobile and asked if I could have a free month of the Internet Addon since I paid for it for six month without being able to use it before I cancelled it. The short answer was 'No', but they would let me 'evaluate' it for a month, and if I
canceled it within that time my account would be credited for the time used.

As it turns out the new handset suffers from the exact same issues as the previous. I guess it confirms that the issue is Windows Mobile, but the fact still remains that they are knowingly and willingly selling
these things when they don't work right. I called and canceled the Internet AddOn since again I couldn't install anything, and connectivity
was shoddy at best.

Couple weeks later I get my bill. First thing I noticed was that it's twice as much as usual. I immediately flip through the pages and look at the details. First thing I see is that I'm being billed for a partial month for my Internet AddOn. Second thing I see is that I have
a $100 charge for "One time charge for Out of Warranty". I immediately call up CS. They apologize about the Internet AddOn and refunded me those fees. I then asked about the $100 fee and was told that the phone
had water damage and therefor wasn't covered under their warranty. The only water my phone has seen is some rain while it was in my pocket, never a puddle, sink, toilet, etc. I tell the rep that we checked the
sensors before the exchange was processed and I was told that it was fine and would be covered under warranty. I was told that the warehouse gets them and they check other 'internal sensors' which showed it to
have water damage. At this point I am furious and want to scream. I insist that aside from being in the rain with my phone in my pocket my phone has never seen water. He tells me that rain is enough to set off
the sensors. Okay, what I've gotten from this so far is that there are hidden sensors INSIDE the phone that the consumer doesn't have access to see, and that they are so sensitive that they pick up the water before the external sensors. I'm told the phone are tossed as soon as they are deemed to have water damage. So, I send back a phone in complete working order, and some warehouse guy checks the hidden sensors and says
my phone has water damage, and that's that, and I'm charged $100 with no say, no recourse, and no proof! I find it hard to believe that the internal sensors showed anything on my phone. There are over 500
reports on usacomplaints.com regarding T-Mobile, and several of this exact same thing in just the few dozen that I checked (and those only go back a few months).

I demanded to speak to a supervisor at this point. The supervisor gets on the phone, I briefly explain the situation (and am amazed that he hasn't been briefed on it already). He states insistently that the fee
*WILL NOT* be refunded. I explained several times my reasons for how/why it isn't possible, and he just states very clearly and very boldly that they *WILL NOT* refund the fees. I tell him that I have no intention on paying the fee. He says that is my choice and then subtly threatens my credit. I went through an extremely rough time several years back and I have busted my butt for years to get my credit in decent shape, and T-Mobile is going to wreck my credit because of this?! I finally remember that I've been paying for insurance on the phone for the last 10 months. I tell him this and ask why this wasn't covered, and I swear I can hear him smirk as he says, "It would have been if you filed a claim, but you didn't, you replaced it under our
warranty, but since it was water damaged it wasn't covered and hence the fee." Point in fact was that I stated I wanted the handset replaced, I did not specify how it would be replaced, nor did I realize specification was required!

I'm at my wits end! I cannot believe my experiences with this company, I feel they have lied and cheated me from day one. Selling faulty products, lying about contract extensions, and now this "Out of
Warranty" fee?!?! The normal channels are obviously no help. I'm looking for any other way to deal with this that doesn't end up with my credit damaged, or me paying the $100 fee. I am in complete awe that the company didn't just swap my phone when they were given the chance
and ended up with a happy customer. With the announcement of the new Android phone I figured I MIGHT give them another try, but after this last round, there's no way I'd ever do business with this company ever again, and I will make it my personal mission to ensure that every person I know, and ever meet knows how badly T-Mobile has treated me, and screwed me over.

Columbus, Ohio

Company: T-Mobile
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Albuquerque
Address: PO Box 37380
Phone: 8009378997
  <     >  


Awful company

T - Mobile
My faves rip off


T-Mobile Wireless
T-Mobile changed my plan without my consent. Took away features, did not grandfather in my plan. Claimed my plan did not exist

"system" does not allow for things they verbally promise

Mislead about phone plan Denton

E agent lied to me about the plan he was selling me

So Called "Customer Service" Customer services staff has no clue! Each one has a different answer for same problem! Ripoff

T Mobile
Out of Warranty Charges/Insurance Claim/Text messaging Charges

T-mobile Wireless Company
T-Mobile Failed to stop my cell from receiving text messages after I requested I didn't want that feature!