House Of Brides
Do not order from house of brides. Unless you just want to give your money away nationwide

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I ordered a bridesmaids dress 3 weeks ago. I spoke with a representive prior as we were close to the wedding date and i wanted to make sure they could fill the order in time. I was told yes of course or i woudnt have ordered the dress. 2 days after my order and my credit card had been charged $231.00 i get a call stating that they are unable to fill the order until the day after the wedding, which was not going to work for me. I was told i would get my money back that friday as thier "accounting" department does refunds on friday. This friday will be the 4th friday and i am still waiting to get my money back from these people.

I have emailed them several times with no response. I have called and left messages and i have chatted with several of thier reps who tell me the same exact script everytime... They cant help when the accounting department refunds my money... They cant tell me what friday i will get a refund. And they will not provide me with a contact name or number to talk to someone about it. They just refer me to the same website!

I do a lot of ordering on the internet and never in my life have i had a problem like this.

After the 30 days is up if there is no refund i am going to dispute it with my bank and they can fight with them because i am done. I am familair with this process as i am in banking and deal with exactly this kind of issues all day.

Dont waste your time on this dealer. They are a shady!!!

Company: House Of Brides
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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House of Brides Online
Falsely advertised dress, no refund yet, very deceitful Internet

House of brides
1 week before the date, order canceled & over 30 days & still no refund as promised!

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House Of Brides
Charged me twice for a dress and would not return my calls for cancellation

House of Brides
Will not refund my money!

House of Brides

House of Brides
Wedding Couture from Hell!

House Of Brides Inc.
My experience buying a dress was a nightmare. I was stuck paying for a dress that was horrible and I couldn't wear. The staff at House of Brides didn't even attempt to resolve my problems

House of Brides
Bad service