United Parcel Service
UPS Charged for services they do not offer. No refund after 10 months

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered a fan blade for my sister's air conditioner (2 or 3 pounds) and had it shipped from the seller (here in Largo, Florida). I said, "as quick as possible", because it was for a broken air conditioner, so the parts seller asked for "overnight delivery". UPS charged about $60 for overnight delivery and delivered the package 5 days later. When questioned, UPS said they do not offer overnight delivery in Edmonton Kentucky. That is perfectly understandable because Edmonton Kentucky is a way back woods kind of place.

When asked for a refund of the over charge, UPS said the paper work was not yet available. Whe asked 3 months later, and 6 months later, UPS can not find any record of the transaction.

It is my suspicion that this is the stuff of class action law suits because UPS will still tell me a price for overnight delivery to Edmonton Kentucky, but they do not EVER perform this service

Company: United Parcel Service
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
Phone: 8007425877
Site: www.ups.com/index.html
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