Stole services in the amount of $900 plus dollars

Shops, Products, Services

Michael Milstead called my business, Pharice Brown & Associates, LLC, and asked me to fill an assistant position for him in his shop in Waldof. He refuses to pay according to his contract. The person worked for him for 3 weeks and he REFUSES to pay.

I have sent him copies of the timesheets he signed, his invoices and copies of his contract, IGNORED.

I have left messages for him at his shop and on his cell phone, IGNORED.

He also had decided to yell at me on the phone the one time he did return a call because I told him I was going to collect what is owed.

Never do business with him. I have reported him to BBB and I am in the process of bring charges against him for theft of services.

Company: Scootertronics
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Waldorf
Address: 3370 Leonardtown Road, Suite 231
Phone: 3015761874
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