Sam Seaburn, Blackbooks Blackbooks publishe
Consumer Report


I signed a contract with these people to publish a biography. The cost was $199.00 non refundable fee and to buy 100 copies of the book at a cost of $1,139.24. This money was sent, but I had to request information as to where we were with the works. They asked for $1,900.00 more for re-typing...? I didn't send it because that was not part of the contract. Later they asked me to purchase 300 more books at a cost of over $4,000.00 I refused. I didn't hear from them until I made contact. They asked for $250 dollars more.By this time I knew they had no intentions of performing their end of the agreement. I cancelled the contract to see if I could at least get some of my money back. They sent me a statement. I owed $2,700.00 dollars for editoring etc. I never agreed to these services.

Company: Sam Seaburn, Blackbooks Blackbooks publishe
Country: USA
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Publish America
Beware all hopeful writers. Stay away from this company

Seaburn Books dba
Consumer Report

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PA ripoff: This company sold my books and did not pay me for them. I have proof of sales!

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