Cancelled service even though I'm on flex pay and payment was deducted from account AS USUAL!

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I opened this account 6 months ago and agreed to the flex pay option with the stipulation that the charges be deducted NO EARLIER than the 2nd of every month (I am a retiree and my direct deposit sometimes hits on the 1st). I stood in that store for 4 hours while they set everything up and made all necessary arrangements with the credit department to ensure my payments were made on the 2nd or later each month. The very first payment came out on the 1st of the month.

When I complained, they told me my only option was to drop flex pay and incur a $5 charge every month. Then suddenly this morning at 5:22, my account and service were canceled without warning (full payment was deducted from my checking account, AS USUAL, on the first of April). Of course, the only way to contact them now is on their website. I used their "contact us" joke and the response was an automated message saying they would respond within 24 hours.

I am going to submit my case for a possible class action lawsuit. I suggest everyone else who's filed a complaint on this website do the same.

Company: T-Mobile
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Beaverton
Address: 3205 SW Cedar Hills Blvd
Phone: 5036465124
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