Rip off

Shops, Products, Services

I had three Supercertificates, Two were for $200, and one was for $50.. I redeemed them online but only used $400. The screen said I had a balance of $50, I figured on redeeming that in a day or so. When I returned to the site, my $50 was gone. Everytime I tried to get into my balance, I received an error.

I called their 800 number and was told they were all redeemed. I gave him the codes for all three certificates. He said he couldn't help and to email them at customer service and they would get back to me in a day or so. A week went by and I never got a response.

I called again (24 hr service) I was told there was no supervisor available. I called back in a few hours, again no supervisor available. A customer service rep named lisa was nice and took all my info and found the problem. They redeemed the $50, $200, and $150 of the third. She said she would send an email to the proper people and it would be fixed. She sent me a copy of the letter.

Another week goes by. No response. I call again, again no supervisor available. This rep took the info and found all my emails and Lisas' and made a phone call and ASSURED me I would hear from them in two hours. They know the error and will fix it. They WILL email you within two hours... Problem solved.

Two days later and still no email, I called again. This time there WAS a supervisor on. But he was too busy to talk to me. I asked the lady to repeat what the supervisor told her and she said "He said he was too busy to talk to you" But, if you give him your number he will get back to you. I told her I was leaving the house for about three hours, well here it is the next day and he still hasn't called (we have caller ID)
I wrote to the CEO explaining the situation and I haven't gotten an answer.

My first email was sent on the 19th of November. Seventeen days later, I have yet to get an email, a phone call returned, or a supervisor who will help me, let alone my $50 Supercertificate.

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Refund Request

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No Refund, Spain