Direct TV
Undocumented final charges and holding my credit card hostage Houston

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After 10 years as a Direct TV customer I have finally decided to sever the relationship. I have recieved a great offer from a competitior, gave Direct Tv the chance to counter, which they could not, so the decision was made.

So what's the problem you ask?

First, I was notified that I have a two year contract with them. I did upgrade to HD over a year ago. All of my notes from the "Sales" people I spoke with mentioned a 12 month addition, I did not sign anything stating or agreeing tothese terms.

I challenged them to show me anything that I signed regarding this so called "Agreement".

The reply was it did not matter and they would charge my credit card immediately on termination. The prorated amount is $125.00 and I need to return the equipment.

I asked what this so called contract was for if the equipment needs to be returned? I mentioned the common cell phone contract where you keep the phone. The DirectTV rep said it was only for the service. Why would anyone sign such a contract if there is nothing in return? I certainly would not!

Hearing this I told them to send a bill for me too look at.

I immediately went to the DirectTV website, opened my account to clear the credit card information and it will not clear. This seem illegal to me as this is not their property.

I would love to hear from any law firm considering a class action suit fagainst these suspect business practices.

I would avoid Direct TV at all costs. There are other alternatives out there.

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
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