Davis Sanitation
Breech of Contract... Ripping customers off

Shops, Products, Services

The contract is that this company is suppose to pick up our trash every wednesday... They have yet to do that for a solid month, however, they are getting paid for a months worth of service. I have contacted them and so have numerous customers and we get the same old stiory... Well the roads are to wet, or we had a bad employee and we are making it up, I informed the office manager George that I needed to know if they were going to pick our trash up due to most customers being elderly and not being able to handle heavy trash cans. He said he would have someone out even if they had to work all weekend...

Well my trash is still sitting here and George will not answer the phone (caller ID) I know that numerous customers have called to complain and now our only recourse is to hurt them through BBB, media and if that doesn't class action law suit. We are standing together in this fight as we the customers are getting taken advantage of. Thank you for your time and help

Company: Davis Sanitation
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tonkawa
Address: 11650 Dakota St
Phone: 5806284033
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Davis Sanitation In Tonkawa Oklahoma
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