T-Mobile USA
Fraudulent billing after cancellation of service

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I was very happy with T-Mobile until I moved from Texas to Connecticut. I was unable to use my cell in my home, at work or at many of my relatives homes. I had to step outside and even then it was not reliable service. I put up with this for a year. Only because I thought I was in a contract and did not want to pay the termination fee.

I cancelled my service, outside of my contract period, on October 5. I spoke to a very pleasant CS Rep who did everything in her power to keep me as a customer. I politely refused and requested that I be sent an itemized final bill so I could pay the balance. I was assured I would receive one shortly and that my service would be cancelled as of that day.

On October 17 while waiting for my bill to arrive, I received a notice of suspension of service due to non payment on my account. I immediately called to find out what was going on. When I input my cell number I was transferred to an automated system that infromed me that my account was placed for collection. I was given the option to press whatever number for the name and address of the agency. I opted to wait until they contacted me. I was very upset. It was only 12 days since I had requested a final bill, which had not yet arrived, and T-Mobile placed my account in collection and had apparently not cancelled the service as they stated they would.

On October 19th the letter from the collection agency arrived. I immediately sent a cease and desist order to them via Certified Mail. A right all consumers have under provisions of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I waited a week to give the agency time to transfer the account back to T-Mobile. I waited too long. They had hired another agency. I went through the same process, but instead contacted Customer Dis-Service immediately. No one would even speak to me due to the status of my account.

I sent an email requesting the name and mailing address of a Senior Customer Service Manager. An automated reply was all that ever came back to me. I went on T-Mobiles site and found the names and mailing addresses of the Board Members. I selected the Chief People Officer, because there was no one with a title that led me to believe they had anything to do with Customer Service. I sent Mr. Manuel Sousa a registered letter stating the details of my problem and informing him that from that day forward I would be deducting the cost of sending registered letters from what I owed. I also informed him that if I did not get a response I would file complaints with the FTC, the CT State Attorney General and the BBB.

Absolutely no response. I filed the complaints as I stated I would. A Mr Anthony Rivas disputed my position with the BBB. We went back and forth a few times until the BBB closed my complaint because I was not adding new information. T-Mobile was not acknowledging my complaint, but because I was not adding information it was closed. What a joke. And big companies like T-Mobile know that the BBB is a joke. If they wait it out, the BBB will just close the complaint. Nice!

By now it is the end of February and no one will talk to me about my account. I called to speak to Mr. Rivas directly and my call was misteriously disconnected. Five times. I have sent several letters, with no response. I sent an offer for a resolutoin. No response. I sent a reminder about the offer. No response. I have had enough.

My next step is to send the CEO, Robert Dotson, a letter at home to see if that gets any attention. I had a PI friend find the address for me. I think that is a drastic step, but what else is left? If I don't shake things up a bit, I may never get this resolved.

T-Mobile has tried to punish me for cancelling my service, and I will not stand for it. Has anyone else had a similar experience when trying to cancel service?

Company: T-Mobile USA
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Bellevue
Address: 12920 SE 38th Street
Phone: 8003189270
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