HSBC Mastercard
Takes unauthorized payments ripoff

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I currently have a HSBC master card that I received from the company after recieving a best buy credit card. So I had the card for lets say, a year, always made payments on time. Never any problems.

In Dec/06 I was making my payment online. Everything went fine. Turned the computer off. Went to sleep. The next day I was checked my email at work and say there were two emails from HSBC saying my payments were being processed. I was like what!?

I then checked my bank statement online and hsbc had two preauth holds on my account for the same ammount at the same time. I was upset but i thought I would just call hsbc when I got home and everything would be fine. (i wish life was that easy).

I called hsbc when i got home and the rep. Refused to return one of the payments, because it was already processing and it was possible to do at that time. I started getting very upset but control my voice level (i also work in customer service in a call center), and told him it was there error. There website or whatever made two payments and i only wanted to make one.

He then wanted to send me to TECH SUPPORT FOR THE WEBSITE. I was like, what is he going to do for me now? I requested to speak to his supervisor and that is when i lost it. He stated that no one was i going to get my money back, and that i made both of those payments.

After yelling back and forth for about 10 mins the supervisor advised that the refund could be done. Its just TO much work to do. Well excuse me? That isnt my fault.

After the supervisor denied my request for the refund I told him to then just shut my account down. He had two options he can either give me one of the payments back or turn my account off. He decided to turn my master card account off. And asked if there was anything else he could do for me. I said well yes. He could also shut down the 3 other Credit cards/department store cards though HSBC. I told him I wanted all those shut down and I will never have business with them again. That got this attention.

I had all 4 accounts shut down, and wrote a very nasty letter to there headquaters. Never did hear back for them.

Decatur, Illinois

Company: HSBC Mastercard
Country: USA
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