Orchard Bank
HSBC Card Services Double dipping into bank account


I was recently trying to pay off a debt to HSBC credit services using their online bill payment option, I originally made a mistake and entered an amount of $50.00 as a recurring amount to be deducted from my checking account on a monthly basis.

After realizing my mistake, I immediately cancelled ALL recurring $50.00 debits and changed the amount to $25.00 monthly, this went well for about 6 weeks until today when they actually double billed me checking account for the canceled amount.

I called my own bank and they verified that the payment was made to HSBC credit services and advised me to call HSBC to get an answer as to why they would double bill my checking account. I called HSBC and they had no idea of ANY payments being made during the time period that my bank had actually made the payments! They put me on hold in order to confer with a "supervisor" and when the rep came back she told me that "No payments have been made since 8/21/08" and that I would have to call back the next day to see if anything shows up on their system! I was on their website at the same time as I was talking to her and I explained that the $25.00 payment was showing as "Processed" on the website and offered to give her the confirmation number, the rep stated that she could not look it up because they have not seen the transaction on their system and they cannot verify any payment at all! The rep went as far as to say that she could see that I had canceled a few pending online payments for $50.00 each but that she could not tell me if my bank had actually made the $25.00 payments because she "Can't see where" my scheduled payments were!!! This company is charging me for over the limit fees, late charges and now cannot even find on their own computer system two payments that they debited from my personal checking account? My bank says they have the money and asked me to contact HSBS, now HSBC says that they can't find any payments on their system and told me to contact my bank!!! This is totally illegal of them, I'm 100 percent certain that if I walked into my bank tonight and withdrew $100.00 using their credit card, it would show up in their system as soon as the transaction occurred! There is no way that they can tell me that they didn't debit my checking account for $50.00 when my bank says they did.

Company: Orchard Bank
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: Po Box 17051
Phone: 8004771024
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