Foreclosuretown - Foreclosure School - I-foreclosure - Jim Ross - Jordan-publishing
Ripoff of unauthorized funds

Shops, Products, Services

I recently looked into a business opportunity via real estate. I found a site for foreclosures and how to buy and sell same. I answered for information on a trial basis to examine the info and evailuate. On receipt found it to be trash, bad printing and some pages blank. I called the number and indentified the problems and was sending info back for return. I told them I was no longer interested. Two weeks later I found two charges on my statement from this group, and imediatly called them back. I was told that it had been a mischarge and no further charges would be sent, and my charges would be returned.

As you can guess, no charges were returned and additionally, today I recieved an e-mail of charges for package I had returned to the company, for 297.00 dollars. This has been a rip-off to the extreme. I inturn called the company and the publishing company, to be told my order had been cancelled and no charges were to be sent. What am I to do or believe? I already have charges that have not been returned, even when I was told they had.

Company: Foreclosuretown - Foreclosure School - I-foreclosure - Jim Ross - Jordan-publishing
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Norwalk
Phone: 2038551999
Site: -
  <     >  


Foreclosure Store / Jordan Publishing Company
ForeclosureStore and / or ForeclosureTown

Jim Ross Real Estate, Foreclosure World, Jordan Publishing Illegally
Jim Ross Real Estate, Foreclosure World, Jordan Publishing Charged my account $297 on same day items returned... Will not answer phones or answer messages left to refund my account

Foreclosure World - Foreclosure School - Jordan Publishing Ripoff Internet
Foreclosure World - Foreclosure School - Jordan Publishing Internet Ripoff

Jordan Publishing Foreclosure World And Foreclosure School

Foreclosure School

Foreclosure School
(aka Jordan Publishing Corp) $297.00 Charge Norwalk

Foreclosure World and Foreclosure School Jordan Publishing
Foreclosure World and Foreclosure School ripoff, Jordan Publishing billing my credit card after cancellation for not receiving product

Foreclosuretown - Jordan Publishing
Don't believe what you see on their site

Jordan Publishing
Foreclosure World - Foreclosure Store - Foreclosure Training - Foreclosure Leads - Jordan Publishing - Money Solutions USA unauthorized charge on debit card

Jordan Publishing Company, Foreclosure World, JP Corp
Jordan Publishing Company (Foreclosureworld) Jordan Publishing Company, Foreclosure World SCAM. Beware..$8.95 turns into $297.00... No authorization for a training course