Jordan Publishing
Foreclosure World - Foreclosure Store - Foreclosure Training - Foreclosure Leads - Jordan Publishing - Money Solutions USA unauthorized charge on debit card


We recently suscribed for a 1 month forclosure list for $8.95. We were not able to view any homes and then were billed $297 for something we can't even use and are not sure what the $297 is for.

Company: Jordan Publishing
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Norwalk
Phone: 8004629028
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Foreclosure Store
Foreclosure Store 22 Elizabeth Street Foreclosure Store Cedit Card Scam - Takes information and continues to charge per click and montly even after membership cancellation

Jordan Publishing Company, Foreclosure World, JP Corp
Jordan Publishing Company (Foreclosureworld) Jordan Publishing Company, Foreclosure World SCAM. Beware..$8.95 turns into $297.00... No authorization for a training course

Foreclosure World - Foreclosure School - Jordan Publishing Ripoff Internet
Foreclosure World - Foreclosure School - Jordan Publishing Internet Ripoff

Foreclosure World and Foreclosure School Jordan Publishing
Foreclosure World and Foreclosure School ripoff, Jordan Publishing billing my credit card after cancellation for not receiving product

Jordan Publishing Foreclosure World And Foreclosure School

Foreclosure World - Foreclosure Store - Foreclosure Training - Foreclosure Leads - Jordan Publishing
Money Solutions USA RIPOFF! Warning: These people only want your money. Don't get ripped off. Run... Fast!

Foreclosure World, Foreclosure Store, Forclosure Guide, Foreclosure Town
Foreclosure Town, Foreclosure World, Foreclosure Guide, Parent Company Jordan Publishing listed our home WITH a Picture as under Foreclosure and a man and his wife came by our home and knocked and asked us if it was indeed for sale under forclosure!

Foreclosure School

Foreclosure World/Jordan Publishing
Foreclosure World / Jordan Publishing Outsmarted & Outhustled!

Foreclosure World, Foreclosure Town, Jordan Publishing, Poppy Ward
Ripped Off for unwanted membership - Caveat to cancel or become a member in 30 days not prominent - Didn't see it!