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What was i thinking??? Vonage rip-off! $660 to cancel vonage - i am just sick!!! God help us all!

My experience with Vonage was a disaster right from the beginning. I missed the 'red flags' until I gave my credit card number for billing purposes. As soon as I gave my credit card number to them... The lack of customer service, honesty and credit charges began.

I followed the rules for cancellation. I was nice, polite and business-like. I told the truth. I was patient.

I spent over 12 full hours (16 calls altogether) on the phone with various incompetent Customer Service Representatives from all over the world!!!

I was lied to. Everytime I talked with someone, the pricing changed, I was transferred, told to call back in a few days/hours/minutes, cut off and left in the Land of Vonage and not allowed to talk to anyone above the Account Manager Level. I could go on and on... Other reports at this site tell even more of my story and there is no use being repetitive.

I am being charged for 3 rotors but 3 rotors were not shipped via DHL. Doesn't matter, Vonage records show they were shipped. DHL records show one rotor shipped and returned by me - that's true. DHL has no record of other two rotors being shipped. Doesn't matter - cha-ching... Each rotor $73.99 - then changed to $77.99 each... Times three... Cha-ching!

I never received the Letter authorizing Vonage to switch my phone service from SBC/ATT. SBC/ATT did not receive notice either. I did not authorize switch by any other method (email, phone, pony-express). Vonage acknowledged that was true but not their fault because THEY had incorrectly recorded my email address and they ARE NOT responsible for such clerical errors... REALLY???

I called Vonage last evening after opening my credit card bill to once again report the cancellation of my accounts. I was advised to call Customer Service ASAP. I thought I just did... WRONG!

The BIG FINANCIAL HIT happened this AM. I called VONAGE at 8:30AM - at the opening bell for Customer Service. Got right through - oh my! Spent 1 1/2 hours on the phone while the Account Manager tried to find out why my account was still active after I cancelled it on May 8th.

At the end of the 1-1/2 hour ordeal, the bottomline is: I owe Vonage over $660... And 'that is the best I can do for you...!"

The amount is in dispute with my credit card company. Wish I had been cleaver enough to closed my credit card account on
May 8th instead of trusting Vonage!

What was I thinking??? I have been a small business owner for over 21 years and I have never in my entire life experienced such a blatant rip-off.

Illegal, Immoral and Unethical! I told the Account Manager, Steve, to quit his job immediately and find an join an honest company! He hung up. OH MY!

... And by the way, I still have to pay my regular SBC/ATT service... Looks like tomato soup for din-din tonight!

Good thing I am a strong Christian woman with a clean mouth because I am really 'provoked'!

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
Phone: 8008605491
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VONAGE customer service

Cancelled Vonage May 8 when I got Charter. Vonage still billing Ripoff internet

Do not do business with Vonage - Buyer Beware

Vonage America
Vonage will not refund credit balance

Vonage customer service - Vonage Service

Fees and charges

Big trouble, false promises

Vonage VOIP Telephone Co
Vonage VOIP Telephone ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Disconnection fee

Gave my Vonage number away without notice, kept billing, charged me to cancel