Sprint.com ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent billing, deceitful business practices

Shops, Products, Services

On 2/23/06, I went to the online Sprint store to check out an ad that I had heard about a wireless connection card for FREE. I was wanting one of these for my laptop since I travel from time to time, that would enable me to get on the internet from anywhere using cell towers in the area and this would be added to my existing account (like and extra phone number), and I understood there was a monthly charge involved of $59 and would be added to my existing cell phone account.in filling out the information I was asked if I worked for a large corporation, which I do, that I maybe entitled to a corporate discount. I was told that I was elligable to get the card that I wanted for FREE, with free shipping. So I signed up for it. I received my card on March 3. On March 8, I tried to use my regular cell phone and my service had been disconnected. I called in to check and they told me my bill was $240.65. I had noticed that Sprint had deducted $99.99 from my bank account that I did not authorize. So in able to get my phone turned back on I had to pay the full $240.65 bill, which I was forced to do because I use my cell phone for business. I then looked on the internet and found that Sprint had charge me $267.99 for the "FREE" card that I had signed up for. I called Sprint 'customer UN-service' and after about an hour and a half of being switched around the globe, was told that "Yes, the card is free and your account was charge the $267.99, but it will be credited back to you in the next 3 months" I demanded my money be returned, since I had to pay it upfront in able to get my service back on and I was told that they could not do that but they would give me a $30 credit for my trouble. So, as of this minute I have paid, upfront, $340.64, for an advertised FREE card and I want my monies returned to me immediateley. I do have the Sprint Invoice showing $-0- balance, and the phone bill for $340.64, and would be glad to provide you with anything else you might need to get this resolved., and me get my money back. I feel that this is fraud and deceiteful advertising.

Company: Sprint.com
Country: USA
Site: sprint.com
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