Shiftless ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

After paying bill on time, in full, MetroPCS shut off service. I returned to the store the next day, approached Bobby (talking to Keeli) and informed him that my service should be turned back on as I paid on time. Bobby told me that it was the service department that shuts off service, not his office. He also told me that the sign that states "payments posted within 24 hours" basically means that MetroPCS has 24 hours to post your payment, not that they "will" post your payment after you paid.

I paid Friday at approximately 4:00 P.M. (store closes at 6:00 P.M.), my service was shut off, on Saturday, at approximately 10:53 A.M. (within 24 hours), Bobby checks the payment box and retrieves a handfull of payments. It was then Bobby who turned my service back on, not the service department. Expenses, including, but not limited to, gas money, mileage and supplies have to be paid unnecessarily when service is wrongfully shut off.

Company: MetroPCS
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 100 Peachtree St NW, The Equitable Bldg
Phone: 7707344900
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Cheating me of service at the end of each month - $40 unlimited Plan

MetroPCS Sucks - Bad Misserable horrible Customer Service

My phone had gotten turned of for two weeks in nov, so I left it off because the metropcs store in atas, said if the phone is off for a week or more they will bill me from the date i pay which was dec

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Consumer Report