Express Store
Lack of customer appreciation and resolution - slacks and shirts

Shops, Products, Services

I spent over $500 in your retail store in Austin and online in the past 30 days. You lost my 3rd order placed with you on November 30 for $150 order # 21071358. Your customer service only offered to ship what was STILL in stock overnight and replace/refund what was not available.??? Really that was the best you could do?
After a long conversation expressing my concerns to a manager, she eventually decided to offer a $25 gift certificate for my inconvenience - but what about the lack of appreciation for a customer that would spend that amount of money in your stores, wait 2 weeks, and waste 30 minutes on the phone getting nothing more than what I already paid for 2 weeks ago! She should have apologized, admitted fault, and offered to fix the problem in the first five minutes of our call. Now you have lost my business and I do not feel that you appreciate it in the first place.

Company: Express Store
Country: USA
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