Cherry Culture
No Delivery

Shops, Products, Services

I paid for products but never received my package.

I am a new customer and I bought products on their site a while back. I never received the products. I complained on numerous occasions and cancelled the order and requested a refund. They refuse to give my money back saying that it is not their problem.

I can't pay for goods I never received. Is this how they treat new customers? Don't ever buy from this online cosmetic store because you don't get your products.

Company: Cherry Culture
Country: USA
State: All Country
City: Internet Store
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NO delivery, rude incompetent staff, False Information, Faulty goods, Inaccurate goods, horrible customer service

BellaGenix and Purasilk
Consumer Report

Motorsports Of Ft. Lauderdale
Vendors beware they don't pay their bills for goods received

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Tanning Products
Tanning products ripoff

GT Media
Work out ripoff

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Purity Products
Purity Products Shipped Me Products I Didn't Order - I Returned And Never Was Refunded
Price change. No customer service satisfaction like they claim!

Mela For Less, Inc
Melaleuca products