Bank of America/Countrywide Home Loans
Closing Documents

Real Estate

Hi, if anybody is detailing or seeking to market a house and it has a National Mortgage Loans mortgage (today Bank of America) your purchase might be in risk, even when you will find no difficulties with your agreement or customer.

This is because the possession paperwork necessary to shut is borderline difficult to acquire from their website. We've had a conract from an authorized customer and Countrywide is not able to discover our inventory certification, amazing rent, or loan. From what our attorney stated, this really is predominant because they have now been an entire catastrophe because the purchase.

The normal schedule from document demand (at that time you sign a deal) is 6-8 months after which plan a case your customer gets antsy, they are able to publish A30 day notice and leave. We're at that phase trained with hasbeen 11 months because we required our files without any indicator from anybody at BofA regarding whenever we must expect them.

Imagine, the whole difficult component is performed (record, cost settlement, promoting, and customer acceptance) to possess lender that both:

1) Cant locate your files had a need to shut

2) doesnt attention to locate your documents

Your attorney claims that people may prosecute them for the mortgage if we shed our customer which appears like it'll occur. Thats precisely what I needed to complete - invest my next couple of months in case.

No surprise many people simply wak away, this really is only a heads-up for anybody else within our scenario once we have called in to the greatest degrees of BofA and nobody there cares.

Company: Bank of America/Countrywide Home Loans
Country: USA
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Countrywide Home Loans
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