Countrywide Home Loans
Ripoff, took over 2 months for simple LOC and tried to FLIP 1st mortg

Business & Finance

I went to Countrywide for a HELOC since they hold my first mortgage. It took over 2 months before we had a closing and after the closing, before funds were disbursed they came back and asked for additional documents. They lied about the timeframe, they tried to talk me out of a HELOC and into a 80/20 with the 80 being identical to my first (can we all say "FLIP"). When I complained about the length of time, the dishonesty, etc., they were rude and tried to make the delays to be my fault. I pulled my HELOC with them and went elsewhere. I will soon be refinancing my first so that I am done with Countrywide. I have kept every written correspondence I have with them and will be contacting the Attorney General.

Company: Countrywide Home Loans
Country: USA
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