State Of Oregon Support Enforcement / Marion County Courts / Julie Fuller
Men Beware Of Biased Oregon Laws

Politics & Government

This is a FYI for any custodial fathers, or more likely soon to be custodial fathers. Keep out of Salem, especially Judge Norblad's office. I was given custody of my 4 kids, started out as split/joint. I was ordered to pay $68.00 a month. When that wasn't enough, she took me back, and and it changed to joint but all 4 primary care was with me, and she was ordered to pay $180.00 a month child support.

When that was not good enough, she took me to court again, and this time lost custody all together, got phone calls, and visitation reduced too, and upped her support amount to a whopping $258.00 amonth. Now, I'm not an expert, but I am pretty sure if the tables were turned, my support amount for 4 children would approach the $1000.00 mark every month.

Mind you all these court visits set me back close to $8000.00 when all is said and done. She of course filed papers on her own, thus no attorney fees. Since then, she has flaked out 90% of her visits, and phone calls. She has also had som DUII's, and a nice felony added to the list. I am waiting for someone to do something, she keeps getting on welfare (yes, someone has allowed her to breed again), and when she does, the support amount just stops completely, no collection, no accrual, nothing.

I had debated taking her back to court, but support enforcement feels that would be rough on the poor welfare mom. I would guess that since men can't keep spitting out babies, this support forgivness will never apply to us. I am now sitting at more than $5000.00 in back support, and the state will do nothing, as she is back on welfare. They even gave her license back since the enforcemnet stops at the AFDC office doors, so do all the punishments. How sad can it get.

I can guarantee if the tables were turned, I would be in prison, and broadcast all over about being a deadbeat, she gets pity, and Oregon keeps enabling it, AND PAYS FOR HER TOO!!! Side note, this is after 3 seperate welfare fraud infractions. Just a warning to all those thinking about this process, move to another state, it will be worth it in the long run. Also a warning for those of you in Oregon that have not been swindled by Julie Fuller (The Gaslight Extortionist), beware, she will take everything you have. This is not a pissed off ex story, we have been apart for years, just tired of the one-sided support system, and hope enough yelling might get someone to cange something.

Company: State Of Oregon Support Enforcement / Marion County Courts / Julie Fuller
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Salem
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