Friend Of The Court, Cass County, Michigan
Child support order & surcharges that have applied on an order that has stopped in 1994

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Michigan - Friend of the court has charged me surcharges and fee's that took my original support debt of $11,500 to $29000.

I had custody of my two children along with the other parent's child from 1989 to 1989 I left the state with the children to California and then to Oregon, which Oregon should of had Jursidication at this point. I sent children to Mothers in Michigan in summer of 1992. She went in to Michigan court and filed for custody and Michigan ordered it with support against me. I had no support during 1989-1992 against her. They wouldnt do it because they didnt like me. They dropped the ball again as usual. So at this point she owes me for 2 and a half years with a extra child of hers.

During her custody years of the children from 1992-1994, she abused and neglected the children and i regained custody again. I had to rescue them in Michigan from her abuse/neglect of the children. Again, no support order was ever put against the mother. I have had the kids since Dec. 1994 to their legal ages of 18. I have had no help getting a support order against her. They dropped the ball again. I even had a order started against her and it dissapeared in the friend of the court they should be called.

Now it is and i find out i have a judgement entered against me in the amount of $ which is only approxiamelty 6000.00 on original support order and the remaining in surcharges and fees. While she has skated her whole life with no support order! I rescued them from her documented abuse, neglect, and welfare fraud, they did nothing. Now after 18 years they are, giving her monies for neglect. She had them 2 years i had the 15 years and im owed nothing. If i owe 25,000 she owes me 120,000. If she paid me i could of paid them. So they want me to pay three times for raising my kids, and charge me surcharges while i have the kid for all those years. And she skates again, and is proud of it because the courts allowed her to be proud of almost killing my kids. I arrived in michigan in the middle of december to rescue them because i got a call they hadnt eaten in 3 days and they havent seen there mother in a month, mind you my childrens ages were 3,5. I thought some one killed the bitch so i dropped everything and went to there home to check it out from oregon. When i got there they had the door wide open cuz it wouldnt shut to much stuff piled in the way. 3 oclock in the morning i got there.

Then i proceed to look for them and they were cuddled up in a pile of dog and cat feces, and garbage pile. The whole house was 3 to 4 feet high of garbage. I started balling when i got them to come out of the pile of garbage. No heat, power, food, or water, and shes on welfare. So i went to a hotel and got them cleaned up and they were malnourished and a wreck, my two beautiful kids punished by her and the state. So i called the state and told them how i found them and they came and arrested ME for non support and caused my kids more trauma at the hotel room. I gave them there bullshit 500 to get out after spending 4 days in jail and they put my kids in foster care in the mean time. Then they said i could not leave with the kids until i signed off charges for abuse and neglect on her. Why was i suppose to do that? I dont know, so i did so i could leave the state of michigan under duress to sign., back to our residence in oregon. I never got any credit for saving them or my trip and she skates again. So at that time i owed them like 8,000 for the two years and now it went up to like 30,000.

I tried on numerous occasions to get a order on her and they never got it done. So how can 1 person have to pay and not the other. And now they say like 11,000 is owed to her. Like im going to pay her for leaving my kids for dead and using all the welfare money and food stamps for her drug habit. Now shes selling presciption drugs on the street here in oregon and still skates. I would love to sue the state for what they put my family through. They caused permanent damage to my kids and myself. How much more can a person take? They suck and i need help from someone, i have enough to hire someone if they read this. I have proof for everything i have said i have saved all of my documents from the begining. So government agency the friend of the court, i motion to change there name to enemy of the children!!!

Company: Friend Of The Court, Cass County, Michigan
Country: USA
State: Michigan
Address: 60296 M62 SUITE 3
Phone: 2694454446
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